Using Flow to add motion and zoom to any presentation
I'm going to show you how to use the Flow feature in Engage but first I want to make sure that you have the Engage ribbon tab selected and that you have the latest version of Engage installed on your computer that way you get access to Flow.
Before I click on the Flow button I just want to show you the presentation we'll be working with. This is just a standard PowerPoint presentation, I've got an agenda slide and for our purposes we're going to refer to this slide as the canvas slide. This will be the slide that our presentation starts with, ends with and it's also the slide that we're going to zoom and pan back and forth onto as we progress into the presentation. For example I'm going to zoom into this Problem/Opportunity section first and I want to reveal the Problem/Opportunity Statement slide. Then I want to zoom back out to the canvas slide and then zoom into the Requirements section and reveal the third slide, the Requirements slide. Then I want to zoom back out and so forth and go on to the next sections so lets go ahead and show you how I did this. Click on the Flow button and in this case you can tell that I've already set this up. My canvas slide, slide one, has already been selected so I'll click next. I've already established the presentation path so when I click on rectangle 27 this is the first step in the path here shown by the number one, we're going to zoom into the Problem/Opportunity shape. The shape name is just the name that PowerPoint assigns to that shape and it could be any standard PowerPoint shape. Then what I have here is I have slide 2 which was the problem opportunity statement slide that gets revealed. Next in the presentation path I'm going to show the canvas slide and then step 3 I'm going to zoom back into a rectangle 35 which is the Requirements shape. When you click on the shape it selects the shape on the canvas slide and it also shows the slide(s) that will get revealed and you can add multiple slides if you wish as well or none it's really up to you.
Let's go ahead and click start presentation and what's nice about this feature is that it works with any of your existing PowerPoint presentations as well. To move forward you either click the space bar or the right arrow key and to go to the previous section you click on the left arrow and at any point in time you just click on the escape button to exit the presentation. I'm going to go ahead and click the right arrow and you can see I zoom in to that Problem/Opportunity Statement shape and then this slide reveals itself. As I click the right arrow again I zoom back out to my canvas slide and then as I click the space bar or the right arrow key I'll zoom into the Requirements section to reveal the Requirements slide and so on. As I go forward I zoom back out and I zoom into the next section as per your presentation path. You might have noticed at the bottom of the presentation a gray bar, this is the progress bar. As I move forward the progress bar lets me know how far along I am into my presentation. What's nice about this bar is that it's so small that your audience can't really see it but it's big enough that you as a presenter if you want it there you can see it and it provides some insight as to far out how far along you are in your presentation. If you want that bar to disappear all you have to do is click the 'P' button on your keyboard, so I've just done that and it's disappeared. If you want it to reappear you just click the 'P' key again. The shortcut key that you have access to is '1' on your keyboard, when you press '1' it'll bring your presentation right back to the beginning. I've just clicked '1' and I'm right back at the beginning and you can tell by the progress bar at the bottom left. To exit the presentation it's simple, just click on the 'ESC' button.
I'm going to show you how I did this, click on the Flow button again and this time we'll select a different canvas slide, slide 2 and click the next button. I'm going to add a step to my presentation path by clicking the Add Step button and this dialog window opens up. It says use selected shape to add step so I'm going to actually start over here on New Digital so I'm going to click on this button and it's going to add that shape as a step. I have the option to reveal a slide when I zoom into this shape so I'm going to click on add slide and I'll add slide 6 as the slide that I want to reveal as I zoom in. The next step is I'm going to zoom back out to my canvas so I'm going to click add show canvas and in this case I don't want to reveal a slide I just want to zoom back out to the canvas slide. The next step I'll jump to the revenue down 28% shape so I'll click Add step and I'll select the shape I want and then I'll click on this button. This time I'll add slide 1 and slide 3 so i'll go ahead and add that and then I'll zoom back out to show the canvas. Finally where you see the 345 terabytes shape, I'll go ahead and add that as a step so I'll select the shape, I'll click on the use selected shape to add step button and I'll add slide 7 and that's it.
So the last thing I should mention is the add show canvas button, you never have to do that on the first step or on the last step because thats always by default where your presentation is going to start and end. If at any point you want to change the order, see here you have one two three four five, you can just use these arrow buttons to move this step up higher or lower so you have that option. The same thing here on the slides if you wanted to reveal slide 3 before slide 1 you could just select slide 3 and move it up and that changes the order. Of course you can always click The Remove slide button to remove the slide or click the Remove step button to remove the step.
So let's go ahead and start the presentation by clicking on the start presentation button and first we see my canvas slide. As I click the next button I'm going to zoom in and it's going to reveal this slide, and I'm going to keep moving forward, this will zoom back out and I think the next step we did was the revenue down 28%. It's going to reveal slide 1 and then slide 3 and now we're going to zoom back out. Finally I think the last step was the 345 terabytes section and it will reveal the Next Steps slide. I'll click on the ESC button to exit, and I'm back to PowerPoint and can close the Flow dialog.
The other thing I should mention when you click on the Flow button if we go back to this section if you have multiple monitors you'll notice over here multiple monitor icons appear. I've gone ahead and hooked up my laptop to an external monitor so if you click on the Flow button this time you'll see here you'll notice these two monitors appear and so you simply click the monitor on which you want your presentation to appear on and click the start presentation button.